Wednesday 9 February 2011

A healthy salad with mackerel, avocado and pink grapefruit

This is a very nutritious salad, packed with vitamins and minerals.
Many of us spend a lot of many buying vitamins and minerals in a jar from the pharmacist.
One brand trying to out do the other. Super-mega-multi-complete best-ever vitamin/minerals, you
know what I mean, and I think we've all tried them.
And sure, we Do need and extra "vitamin boost", especially this time of year.
But the best way of getting all the vitamin and minerals you need, is to eat a healthy and balanced diet.
I know you have heard it all before, but that is just because it's true.
Try to eat colourful food, they generally contain lots of yummy vitamins. Tomatoes, peppers, spinach, oranges. Be brave, try new fruits and vegetables, that you've never tried before.
If you can't buy it fresh (if it's not in season), by frozen. Frozen vegetables often contain more vitamins then the vegetables you can get from the supermarket.

I am going to kick off this new year with some healthy recipes to sort the immune system out. I know I need it and hopefully it will benefit you too.
I am using smoked mackerel in this salad, because it makes a nice change to the tuna always used in salads and sandwiches in Britain. But mostly because mackerel has great health benefits:

  • It helps reducing cancer-causing agents in cells.
  • It regulates the hormone level and makes blood vessels and capillaries more elastic.
  • Mackerel also helps in reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL) and lowering blood pressure.
  • It prevents cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system, improves functions of organs weakened by illness and regulates metabolism.
  • Mackerel helps in easing the pain of migraine and arthritis.  
I will also be using avocado and baby spinach, and grapefruit packed with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

Healthy salad with mackerel, avocado and pink grapefruit 
(2 people)
  • 2 fillets of smoked mackerel, tarred into bite sized pieces
  • 2 handful's of baby spinach
  • 1 avocado sliced
  • 1 pink grapefruit (don't have to be pink, just makes it prettier) segmented
  • 3//4 of a red chili finely chopped
Assemble on two plates, season moderately with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.
I serve this salad with toasted wholemeal pita bread. Either fill the pita pocket and tuck in, or cut into manageable strips.
